Spectacularly located on its cliff top, Tantallon Castle shows a massive sandstone wall to the landward.
Tantallon Castle History

Outwith this are earthworks, a dovecote, and an outer gate. A bridge across the ditch enters the Mid Tower, formerly the home of the keeper.
Great walls extend to either side of this and the stairway leads to the high battlements. A further stair in the Mid Tower leads to the airy turret which has views of the castle and across the Forth to the Bass Rock.
The East Tower is partially ruined. Formerly it was five stories in height, but one room is still roofed and has a replica gun in place.

The western tower was the laird’s residence and is known as the Douglas Tower. Formerly six stories tall, only the lower floors are now hale – the vaulted prison and garderobe.
The two terminal towers have been ruinous since the attack by Cromwell in 1651.
Within the courtyard is a 100 feet deep well, an incomplete sea gate, and the west wing with a brew house, and a kitchen with its oven. Over the vaults is the hall, with the profile of the roof timbers surviving in stone.
The “Red” Douglases built Tantallon in the 14th century. The castle was attacked in 1528 by King James V but was rebuilt. Queen Victoria visited in 1878. It was taken into state care in 1924
Tantallon Castle Location
Address: Tantallon Castle, North Berwick, EH39 5PN, United Kingdom. Get help with directions using the map provided below: