The Palacio del Infantado is a former aristocratic residence in the town of Guadalajara in Castile, Spain.
Palacio del Infantado History

The Palacio del Infantado is a fine example of the Isabelline style, showing a harmonious blend of Mudéjar and Flamboyant Gothic forms.
It belonged to the House of Mendoza, the most influential family in Castile at the time of Queen Isabella. The family had settled in Guadalajara in the 14th century, and it is recorded that Pedro González de Mendoza finished building his houses there in 1376.
The old palace was renovated by the humanist Don Iñigo Lopez de Mendoza, Marques de Santillana, and was decorated with works of art imported from the Netherlands; travelers such as Baron Rosmital recorded that it was magnificently furnished.
This palace was demolished by the 2nd Duque del Infantado, Don Iñigo Lopez de Mendoza, and construction of the present building was begun in 1480 and was completed around 1500.

The magnificent two-story courtyard was altered under the 5th Duke in 1570. The original spiral columns with foliate decoration on the ground floor were replaced with Tuscan columns, but the double ogee arcading was retained. The upper arcade, still supported by spiral columns, has broken ogees surmounted by fleurons framed by griffins.
The Infantado Palace was severely damaged during the Civil War of 1936-1939. The magnificent ceilings with their arabesque decoration and rich friezes were burnt, but old photographs and descriptions show that the finest were in the Salon de los Salvajes and the Salon de los Cazedores.
Restorations on the façade began in 1942. The Palacio del Infantado now houses the Museo de Bellas Artes (El Museo Provincial de Guadalajara) and is the headquarters of other cultural institutions.
Palacio del Infantado Location
Address: Palacio del Infantado, Plaza Caídos en la Guerra Civil, S/N, 19001 Guadalajara, Spain. Get help with directions: