There are two castles in Mardakan and both have played an important role in Azerbaijan’s history during the 13th and 14th centuries. They are known as Mardakan Towers and they have different tower shapes, one is round and the other one is rectangular.
History of Quadrangular Tower in Mardakan

The Quadrangular Tower is bigger than the Round Tower, being 22 m in height. It was built in the 14th century and it has 5 floors.
Its purpose was defensive, its inner courtyard of 28m X 25 m could not host many people at once. It was mainly used for defending Mardakan on a temporary basis.
Visitor Information
Reaching the rectangular tower in Madrakan is quite easy. When entering Mardakan from the road from Baku it is immediately visible.
Next to the castle, there is a Tuba-Shakha mosque which hosts a permanent exhibition about the castles and fortifications of the Absharan peninsula (where Mardakan is also situated).
Mardakan Quadrangular Tower Location
Quadrangular Tower Address: Mashadi Azizbayov, Mardakan, Khazar, Baku. Postal Code AZ1044. Get help with directions using the map provided below: