Lauriston Castle is a grade-A-listed building located in Edinburgh.
Lauriston Castle History

As Lauriston exists today, it is a very fine Edwardian mansion. Purchased in 1902 by William Reid of the furniture manufacturer, Morison and Company, the building reflects his interests in furniture, Blue John ornaments, and the arts.
The Lauriston Castle was left to the nation in trust in 1926 and the building has been kept just as it was in the Reids’ time.
Archibald Napier, the father of the inventor of Logarithms, erected the original T-shaped tower, at the South West corner, in the 1590s.
It has four stories, pepperpot turrets, and spiral stairs. The rest of the mansion was added in 1827 to the plans of William Burn, and others later.
Visit Lauriston Castle

Lauriston Castle guided tours of the fully furnished house commence at the stair hall, leading to the inner hall.
The oak room has a secret apartment off it, containing the laird’s lug, and two hidden safes. The library, with its pine ceiling, is a grand room, with a study in the turret and a secret doorway through the bookshelves.
The drawing and sitting rooms afford fine views over the croquet lawns and the Forth to Fife. The house had modern plumbing for its time, as Mrs. Reid’s brother was in that trade. Other owners of Lauriston over the years include the Dalgleish, Laws, and Allans.
Lauriston Castle Location
Address: Lauriston Castle, 2 Cramond Road South, Cramond EH4 6AD, United Kingdom. Get help with directions using the map provided below: