Originally known as Ruthven Castle, there were actually two towers here, standing side by side.
Huntingtower Castle History

In the 17th century these were joined when the space was built up, but from the inside the two distinct towers can be seen.
A vaulted room on the ground floor makes the entrance to the East Tower. The first-floor hall has unique painted ceilings and walls dating from the 16th century.
The turnpike continues to the battlement walk, where the roof is slated with slabs of stone. A wooden ramp connects with the first floor of the west tower, the ground floor being the custodian’s flat.

The wooden floors are missing here, but the turnpike can be climbed to the parapet, which has a small dovecote and cap-house. This tower is now home to 200 bats.
The Ruthvens built Ruthven Castle in the 15th century, and the western tower was erected in the early 16th century, perhaps for their heir. In 1600 the Crown following the Gowry Conspiracy confiscated the castle.
It was renamed Huntingtower, and the Murrays were installed as keepers. They acquired the castle in 1663, becoming Dukes of Atholl, and used the building in preference to Blair Castle.
Sold in 1805, the castle was taken into state care in 1912.
Huntingtower Castle Location
Huntingtower Castle Address: Crieff Road, Perth PH1 3JL, United Kingdom. Get help with directions using the map provided below: