Chateau de Blois is a royal palace located in the town of Blois, Loir-et-Cher.
Château de Blois History

The Château de Blois was built in different phases between the 13th and the 17th centuries. It comprises many buildings and incorporates many architectural styles.
The chapel of St Calais (consecrated 1508), of which only the three bays of the choir remain, and the octagonal garden pavilion of Anne of Brittany also belong to Louis XII’s building campaign. The extensive gardens designed for him by the Neapolitan Pacello da Mercogliano no longer survive.

The most impressive part of the Château of Blois is the northwest wing (1515–1524), built against the medieval ramparts for Francis I.
Here the rich decoration of the ashlar-faced, three-story inner and outer elevations, with pilasters, entablatures, and other classicizing elements, is Italianate.
The irregular disposition of the parts is, however, dictated by the site and the sequence of rooms within. The main feature of the courtyard elevation is the great open polygonal staircase turret that originally occupied its center; it is monumental in conception and festive in its decoration.

Work on the château came to a halt with Francis I’s Italian campaign (1524–1525); it was not resumed until 1635, when Gaston d’Orléans, eager to establish a rival court to that of his brother, employed François Mansart to rebuild the south-west wing. In 1638 Cardinal Richelieu cut off funds for the project, which was left incomplete.
During the 18th century, the Château of Blois was neglected, and after 1788 it was used as barracks. In 1810 it was given to the town of Blois, and in 1840 it was listed as a historic monument. Extensive restoration was carried out from 1845 to 1869. It suffered damage, since repaired, from German bombardment in 1944.
Château Royal de Blois and Museum
What to see:

Château de Blois is a museum itself, with a rich history and magnificent architecture.
Sound & Light Show: A festival of special sound and lighting effects
The Fine Arts Museum
Tickets, Opening times, and Booking.
Use this contact information for more information about opening times, tickets, and booking.
Phone: 02 54 90 33 32 / Fax: 02 54 90 33 31
Official website: http://www.chateaudeblois.fr/?lang=en

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Château de Blois Location
Château Royal de Blois Address: 6 Place du Château, 41000 Blois, France. Get help with directions: