Camden House History

Camden House, built in the early 18th century, features a blend of West Indian architecture and Bermudian style.
Currently, the titular official residence of Bermuda’s Prime Minister (the actual residence is elsewhere), the interior contains portraits of five of Bermud’s prime ministers and a huge Waterford crystal chandelier.
Other precious items in the house include a carved Italian Renaissance chest made of walnut in 1650, an inlaid Sheraton console table, a small cedar chest, an Adam-style fireplace with a large gilt Regency mirror over the mantelpiece, cedar bookshelves, mahogany bookcases, a Regency rosewood pedestal table, a silver epergne, and watercolor paintings by famous artists.
Camden House Location
The Camden House is located in Bermuda Botanical Gardens.
Address: Paget Parish, Point Finger Road Pharmacy, 16 Point Finger Rd, DV 04, Bermuda. Get help with directions using the map provided below: